I've been working on my research paper these last few days, and watching TV for the first time in over a year since it's Thanksgiving Break Week. I was watching Mythbusters today, which is often funny, but today, they were doing something gross; polishing poo.
Yeah, they were polishing poo. The method they finally settled on to get the shine they were looking for is from Japan and is used by school children to polish mud. It is called Hikaru Dorodango and some of the efforts are fantastic! With the mud. The children played with the mud. Adam and Jamie, who are grown, played with poo.
Bruce Gardner lives in my old stomping ground of New Mexico, and has an awesome gallery of dorodango that he has made from the native soil there. He even has a page to show you how to create a dorodango on your own.
I personally love mud, I always have; but I've never heard of this craft before. In the anime Witch Hunter Robin, a little girl that the main character Robin is babysitting is making one of these dorodangos, but I assumed that the mud was shiny because the child was a witch. The little girl drops her ball by accident and starts to cry.
Now that I've seen how much work goes into making just one of these, I'd probably cry too.
Anyway, here's to an interesting new craft I'd love to try.

Wow! This looks like fun. What a grest way to create those multicolored decorative balls without having to pay for them at some upscale store like Bombay.
I've never heard of teh techniques but definitely intend to try it. The webpage is now in my favorites.
Thanks again for heightening our awareness of the simple but beautiful things that are out there for us all to experience.
A Sorrells
I am searching for different ways to make this art. And use up my clay collection.
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